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Dirk's Ramblings
Dirk's Ramblings
the unification of the guilds... the fight against evil... the many layers of the one they call Dirk...
Tuesday, 08 November 2005
I’m sure many have noticed my absence in Valorn lately. I miss my friends and Guild family. I heard stories of what went on during the fall festival and only wish I could have been there.

Not to worry though. I have been keeping busy. I had to get away so I could work uninterrupted on a few projects and decide the fate of The Voice. There is still much to do so I don’t think I will be returning soon but I will return.

As for The Voice I have thought out the events that took place and while I think I may have acted a bit to quickly, lack of communication and concern on the ex-staffs part tells me it had to happen anyway. Once I return to Valorn I will have to decide if I have time to continue work on the paper or to scrap it all together in favor of my other projects.

I have had little communication with people In Valorn during my absence so I do long to return soon. I’m sure it is flooded with new Adventurers and I hear rumors of new exciting places. I’m sure I will have a lot of work ahead of me once I return.
Dirk DT posted @ 11:49 - Link - comments
Monday, 07 November 2005
Dirk DT posted @ 09:48 - Link - comments (3)
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